R36440 Vehicle - Vehicle And Managed Asset Enterprise Company Are Equal

Code R36440
Entity Applications.Fleet.Vehicles Entity
Name VehicleAndManagedAssetEnterpriseCompanyAreEqual
Layer Back-End
Attribute EnterpriseCompany
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action If Vehicle.EnterpriseCompany != Null AND Vehicle.ManagedAsset != Null
AND Vehicle.ManagedAsset.EnterpriseCompany != Null
validate that Vehicle.EnterpriseCompany == ManagedAsset.EnterpriseCompany.
Description The rule validates that the selected managed asset has the same enterprise company
as the vehicle, and does not throw an error if ManagedAsset.EnterpriseCompany is empty.
Message The Enterprise Company for the selected managed asset '{ManagedAsset.Code}: {ManagedAsset.Name}' and the current vehicle '{Fleet.Vehicle.RegistrationNumber}' are different.
Please, select a managed asset whose Enterprise Company is the same as the one of the vehicle, or is not specified.
Introduced v.24
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.