R36336 Activity - Check User Rights On Activity Creation And Editing

Code R36336
Entity General.Activities.Activities Entity
Name CheckUserRightsOnActivityCreationAndEditing
Attribute Creation User
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action Validate that if Activitie.SocialGroup != NULL and the GroupMember.Role of the
CreationUser >='Member' for the selected Activitie.
SocialGroup, then Activity creation is allowed.
Description This rule ensures that only users with sufficient permissions
within the specified SocialGroup (Member or Admin) can create or edit Activities.
Message You do not have permission to create and edit activities in the selected
social group '{SocialGroup.Name}.
Only users with ‘Member‘ or ‘Admin’ roles are allowed to create and edit activities.
Version Introduced: v.24
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.