R35940 Document - Notify Assigned To User For Update

Code R35940
Entity General.Documents Entity
Name NotifyAssignedToUserForUpdate
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Aggregate Commit, Aggregate Commited
Record State Updated
Priority Late
Modify YES
Action On aggregate commit – the rule checks if the user set in the Assigned To User field is different than the current user, and the Assigned To User and the State fields are not edited
On aggregate committed – if the above conditions are met, the rule creates a notification to the assigned user through the Notifications system.
Description The rule ensures that the user assigned as responsible for the document will be promptly notified in case the document is edited.
Message -
Version Introduced: v.24
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.