R35900 Document - Set Assigned To User (obsolete)

Code R35900
Entity General.Documents.Documents Entity |
Name SetAssignedToUser
Attribute AssignedToUser
Layer Front-End
Events AttributeChanged(ResponsiblePerson)
Priority Normal
Modify YES
Action When Responsible Person is changed, the first User found to be associated with this Person, is set automatically in the Assigned To User field.
If there is no User associated with the Responsible Person, the Assigned To User field is set to null.
Description The rule ensures that the document will be automatically assigned to the user associated with the document's responsible person, thereby facilitating the implementation of the notification system rules.
Message -
Version Introduced: v.24
Removed: v.25
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.