R35463 Excise Administrative Document - Validate Excise Amount Base Calculation
Name | Value |
Code | R35463 |
Entity | Finance.Excise.ExciseAdministrativeDocuments Entity |
Name | ValidateExciseAmountBaseCalculation |
Attribute | ExciseAdministrativeDocumentLines.ExciseAmountBase |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Released+ |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Action | IF ExciseProduct.ExciseProductCategory.CalculationAlgorithm = QTY Then ExciseAmountBase = Round(ExciseQuantity,4); IF ExciseProduct.ExciseProductCategory.CalculationAlgorithm = QAS Then ExciseAmountBase = Round(ExciseQuantity * ExciseAlcoholicStrength,4); IF ExciseProduct.ExciseProductCategory.CalculationAlgorithm = QAP Then ExciseAmountBase = Round(ExciseQuantity * ExciseAlcoholicStrength / 100,4); IF ExciseProduct.ExciseProductCategory.CalculationAlgorithm = NOP Then ExciseAmountBase = Any; |
Description | The calculation of the ExciseAmountBase is based on the ExciseQuantity, ExciseAlcoholicStrength , and the embedded algorithm for calculation in the ExciseProductCategory of the selected ExciseProduct. |
Message | The calculated Excise Amount Base in line {LineNo} does not correspond to the chosen Excise Quantity, Excise Alcoholic Strength, and the embedded algorithm for calculation in the Excise Product Category of the selected Excise Product. |
Version | Introduced: 2024 |
Revocable | YES |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.