R35312 Notifications - Validate Notification Class
Code | R35312 |
Entity | Systems.Core.Notifications Entity |
Name | ValidateNotificationClass |
Attribute | NotificationClass |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Action | The rule validates that the value in the Notification Class field matches
to the specified format: 1. It should not begin with an underscore 2. The string must begin with either "USR" or "NT" 3. The first two segments may only consist of uppercase letters and underscores 4. The entire string should include a minimum of 2 underscores (i.e. 2 segments) 5. The rest (except the first two segements) may only consist of letters, numbers or '_', '.', '/', '-', '+', ' ' 6. The last segment should conform code validation In case of a mismatch, an error will be thrown. |
Description | Тhe rule verifies whether the value in the Notification Class field matches
the following format:
<"USR" OR "NT"><"_"><"SCOPE"><"_"><"CLASSIFICATION">. where: "USR" OR "NT": A prefix constant that determines whether the notification is user-generated or internal. SCOPE: The category or scope of the notification class. Requirements: UPPERCASE letters and (optional) underscores. Limitations: Must be at least 2 characters. Cannot start or end with an underscore. Examples: SOC (Social), WM (WMS), DOC_STATE CLASSIFICATION: The subject or specificity of the notification class. Requirements: code validation Examples: NEW_POST, QTY_BELOW_MIN, REPLY, 123, 123-1, CODE123 |
Message | The value in the Notification Class field does not match the specified format:
<"USR" OR "NT"><"_"><"SCOPE"><"_"><"CLASSIFICATION">. Please retry with a different format. |
Version | Introduced: v.24 Updated: v.24 SP5 - the requirements for the CLASSIFICATION segment are changed. |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.