R35106 ExciseStampOperations - Excise Product Type And Product Excise Product Type Cannot Be Different
Code | R35106 |
Entity | Finance.Excise.ExciseStampOperations Entity |
Name | ExciseProductTypeAndProductExciseProductTypeCannotBeDifferent |
Attribute | ExciseProductType, Product |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Releasing + |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Action | For each line, where Product and Excise Product Type are selected - the rule validates that Excise Product Type is equal to the Excise Product Type, specified in the Product definition. |
Description | When the Excise Stamp Operation document's state is changed to "Released" or higher, the rule ensures that the lines do not contain excise product types that are different from the excise product type of the selected products. |
Message | The Excise Product Type field in line number '{ExciseStampOperationLine.LineNo}'
in document '{DocumentText}' contains an invalid value.
The excise product type '{ExciseStampOperationLine.ExciseProductType}' is different from the one specified in the definition of the product '{ExciseStampOperationLine.Product}'. Please make sure that the selected еxcise product type matches the excise product type in the product definition and try again. |
Version | 2023 |
Revocable | YES |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.