R34361 AllEntities - Notify All Object Followers Upon Update

Name Value
Code R34361
Entity AllEntities
Name NotifyAllObjectFollowersUponUpdate
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Late
Modify Yes
Action If Count(FollowedEntities where EntityItemId == currentEntity.Id) >= 1
, then create a notification for each record as follows:

- Notification.User = FollowedEntities.User
- CreationTimeUtc = NOW
- Notification.DataObject = ExtensibleDataObject
- NotificationClass = NT_ALL_UPDATE
- Subject = An object you are following has been updated:{Object.DisplayText}
Description Create notification for all followers of each updated object. These notifications will then be sent to the users by the Notifications system.
Message An object you are following has been updated:{Object.DisplayText}
Version Introduced: 2023
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.