R34329 LogisticUnitContents - Valid Measurement Unit
Code | R34329 |
Entity | LogisticUnitContents |
Name | ValidMeasurementUnit |
Attribute | MeasurementUnit |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that the measurement unit in the line meets the requirements described here - Conversion Validation Methods. |
Description | The current validation helps the user to select the correct measurement unit in the Logistic Unit Contents. It would be incorrect if a product is selected and its quantity is entered in a measurement unit and there is no dimension that would help convert the quantity in the line into quantity in base measurement unit of the product. |
Message | \Line {LineNo} contains an invalid measurement unit '{MeasurementUnit}' for product '{Product}'. Valid units have a defined product dimension or are a part of the base measurement category of the product. Please select a valid measurement unit.\ |
Introduced In | Version: 2023 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.