R34328 LogisticUnitContents - Standard Quantity Matches Quantity
Code | R34328 |
Entity | Logistics.Common.LogisticUnitContents Entity |
Name | StandardQuantityMatchesQuantity |
Attribute | StandardQuantity, Quantity |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Applicable Legislations | ALL // no condition needed |
Action | Validate that, for every Logistic Unit - Contents:
ROUND(CONVERT(LogisticUnitContents.Quantity),3) -- 0.999 <= LogisticUnitContents.StandardQuantity <= ROUND(CONVERT(Quantity),3) + 0.999 |
Description | The field Standard Quantity contains the equivalence of the Quantity calculated in base
measurement unit. Although small variations between both values are possible due to
ordered/executed exhaustion, big differences could mean that the quantities are not properly
filled in or updated.
For this reason, the current rule validates that the difference between Standard Quantity and the Quantity calculated in base measurement unit is not bigger that 0.999. |
Message | The field 'Standard Quantity Base' in line number '[LineNo]' of logistic unit content '[LogisticUnitContent]'\ has an invalid value. | The field 'Standard Quantity Base' should contain the equivalence of the 'Quantity' calculated in base measurement unit according to the product's measurement ratios. Please check if the values in both fields are correctly filled in. |
Introduced In Version | 2023 |
Revocable | YES |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.