R33691 ServiceAgreement - Services Quantity Old Value
Code | R33691 |
Entity | Applications.Service.ServiceAgreements Entity |
Name | ServicesQuantityOldValue |
Attribute | ServicesLine.Quantity |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Released+ |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Action | For each Release of the ServiceAgreement: IF the old value in ServiceAgreementServices.Quantity != 0 AND the old value in ServiceAgreementServices.Quantity == ServiceActivity.DistributedServiceAgreementServices.AgreedQuantity THEN throw an error |
Description | For each Release (including after Adjustment) of the current Service Agreement,
the rule validates that no Quantity adjustments are made for lines that were
fully distributed. A line is considered fully distributed when the Quantity prior to the Adjustment is equal to the sum of the Agreed Quantity field from all records in Distributed Service Agreement Services, which are related to the current service line of the Service Agreement. The rule is not triggered if the Quantity prior to the Adjustment is zero. |
Message | Invalid Quantity аdjustment. Тhe Quantity in line {LineNo} in the panel '{Srv_Service_Agreement_Services.Display_Text}' of the service agreement '{DocumentType} {DocumentNo}' is being adjusted, but this is not allowed because it is equal to the distributed agreed quantities, meaning the line is fully distributed. Please reset the Quantity adjustment for this line. |
Version | Introduced: v.25 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.