R33530 CompositeProductComponents - Component Base Unit Is Pieces

Name Value
Code R33530
Entity General.Products.CompositeProductComponents Entity
Name ComponentBaseUnitIsPieces
Attribute ComponentProduct
Layer Back-End
Events ClientCommit
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action Validate that:
ComponentProduct.Product.BaseMeasurementUnit.MeasurementUnit.SystemUnit == Pieces
Description Component products represent separate packages of parts that are necessary for the product assembly. The number of the packages of this component that are necessary is specified in the Quantity field. As a measurement unit if this quantity is considered “Pieces”, that’s why only products whose base measurement units is pieces, can be used as components.

Important: The pieces measurement unit in whose definitions the value of the "System Unit" field is "Pieces".
Message The base measurement unit of component "{ComponentProduct}" is not the system unit for pieces, which is not allowed.
Please make sure that you have selected the correct unit and that the value of the "System Unit" field in its definition is "Pieces".
Version Introduced: 2023
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.