R33507-18 Sales Order Line - Set Line Standard Discount Percent (Recalc)

Code 33507-18
Entity Crm.Sales.SalesOrderLines Entity
Name SetLineStandardDiscountPercent
Attribute LineStandardDiscountPercent
Layer Front-End
Events AttributeChanged(Product, BonusProgram, PromotionalPackage, ReturnForSalesOrderLine, Level1Discount, Level2Discount, Level3Discount)
Priority Normal
Modify YES
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action Convert(DetermineLineStandardDiscountPercent(Product, BonusProgram, PromotionalPackage, ReturnForSalesOrderLine, Level1Discount, Level2Discount, Level3Discount), Object)
Description The rule sets a value in "Line Standard Discount Percent" field by calling the DetermineLineStandardDiscountPercent method. The rule is triggered, when some of the values of the fields on which the standard discount percent depends, are changed (e.g. Level 1 Discount, Level 2 Discount, Level 3 Discount, Bonus Program, Promotional Package, etc.) / Version = Updated: 2023
Revocable YES

* This is auto generated code. Don't change it.