R33427 SocialReaction - Notify User Comment Reaction

Name Value
Code R33427
Entity Communities.Social.Reactions Entity
Name NotifyUserCommentReaction
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Committed
Priority Normal
Modify YES
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action If Reaction.User != Reaction.SocialComment.User,
then create a new Notification as follows:

- Notification.UserId = Reaction.SocialComment.UserId
- CreationTimeUtc = NOW
- Notification.DataObjectId = Social.Comments.DataObjectId
- NotificationClass = NT_SOC_REACTION
- Subject = {Reaction.User.FullName} reacted to your comment.
Description When a user reacted to your comment, the rule creates a notification for you. This notification will then be sent to the user by the Notifications system.
Message -
Version Introduced:
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.