R33303 ExciseAdministrativeDocument - Document Date On Void Not In Closed Period

Code R33303
Entity Finance.Excise.ExciseAdministrativeDocuments Entity |
Name DocumentDateOnVoidNotInClosedPeriod |
Attribute DocumentDate |
Layer Back-End
Events Voiding
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action If (ExciseAdministrativeDocument.State >= 30) |

Validate that:

ExciseDeclaration [ToDate >= ExciseAdministrativeDocument.DocumentDate && FromDate <= ExciseAdministrativeDocument.DocumentDate, | Void == false, State >= 30, ExciseDeclaration.EnterpriseCompany == | Entry.EnterpriseCompany].Count() == 0
Description If a ExciseDeclaration is released for a certain period, than the user cannot void entries that | are part of the period of the declaration. The releasing of the declaration shows that that this is the final version of the declaration and it is sent to the Customs. | No entries must be voided in such period. |
Message ExciseAdministrativeDocument '{DocumentText}' cannot be voided because the entry is included in released | ExciseDeclaration (i.e. there are declarations for periods that include the apply date | of the entry).
Introduced In Version 2022
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.