R33213 ObjectFile - Check File Name Compatibility

Code R33213
Entity Systems.Core.ObjectFiles Entity
Name CheckFileNameCompatibility
Attribute FileName
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

ObjectFiles.FileName can only contain Uppercase and Lowercase letters and Digits AND
the following symbols, but not at the beginnig of the name:
Space ( )
Dot (.)
Minus (-)
Underline (_)
Description When uploading an embedded file there are some restrictions on the file name
It can only contain Uppercase and Lowercase letters, Digits, and the following symbols:
Space (); Dot (.); Minus (-); Underline (_), but not at the beginnig of the name.

For example valid codes are:
"Abc 123"

Invalid codes are as follows:
" Abc123"
and also all off the other symbols not included in the examples.
Message File or folder name({NewName}) contains disallowed symbols!
To improve compatibility, the use of certain characters in the name is not
allowed. Also name can not start with space, period, hyphen, or underline!
Please remove special characters from file name or forbidden chars from beginning!
Introduced In Version 2022
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.