R32908 Warehouse Transactions - Negative Availability

Name Value
Code R32908
Entity Logistics.Wms.WarehouseTransactions Entity
Name NegativeAvailability
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action If (Availability.QB* + Transaction.QB*) < 0
, then FAIL

* Availability.QB = QuantityBase from the first record of Warehouse Availability View, where:
- Warehouse = WarehouseTransaction.Warehouse
- WarehouseLocation = WarehouseTransaction.WarehouseLocation
- Product = WarehouseTransaction.Product
- LogisticUnit = WarehouseTransaction.LogisticUnit
- Lot = WarehouseTransaction.Lot
- ProductVariant = WarehouseTransaction.ProductVariant
- SerialNumber = WarehouseTransaction. SerialNumber

* Transaction.QB =
if WarehouseTransaction.Direction = IN
, then WarehouseTransaction.QuantityBase
, else WarehouseTransaction.QuantityBase * (-1)
Description* The rule prevents the saving of the current Warehouse Transaction if it will cause а negative availability.
Message The operation cannot be executed because the available quantities will become less than zero for:
* logistic unit '{LogisticUnit}'
* product '{Product}'
* variant '{ProductVariant}'
* lot '{Lot}'
* serial number '{SerialNumber}'
* warehouse '{Warehouse}'
* location '{WarehouseLocation}'
Version Introduced: 2022
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.