R32732 PaymentSlip - Check Zero Amount vs Covered Amount

Code R32732
Entity Finance.Payments.PaymentSlips Entity
Name ZeroVsCoveredAmount
Attribute PaymentSlipLine.Amount, PaymentSlipLine.CoveredOrderAmount
Layer Back-End
Events Realising +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action For each PaymentSlipLine validate that:

If (PaymentSlipLine.Amount == 0), then (PaymentSlipLine.CoveredOrderAmount == 0)
Description There are cases when during the creation of the payment slip the Amount is set as zero. This happens when the Amount cannot be converted e.g., due to a missing currency directory.
The current validation ensures that when the Amount is zero, we will not accidentally cover a Payment Order Line.
For this reason, we are validating that if the 'Amount' field is equal to zero, then the 'CoveredOrderAmount' field must be equal to 0 as well.
Message In Payment Slip Line, covering payment order for the referenced document '{PaymentSlipLine.PaymentOrder.RefDocumentType} + " " + {PaymentSlipLine.PaymentOrder.RefDocumentNo} + " - " + {PaymentSlipLine.PaymentOrder.RefDocumentDate.Date)}', the Amount is set as 0 but the Covered Amount is different from 0.
Version Introduced: 2022
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.