R32489 DocumentFulfillments - Creation Time Utc
Name | Value |
Code | R32489 |
Entity | General.Documents.DocumentFulfillments Entity |
Name | CreationTimeUtc |
Attribute | CreationTimeUtc |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | YES |
Applicable Legislations | ALL // no condition needed |
Action | If (CreationTimeUtc.DatabaseValue == NULL), then SET CreationTimeUtc = NOW(UTC) else CreationTimeUtc = CreationTimeUtc.DatabaseValue |
Description | If Creation Time Utc does not have a value, then set current time in UTC. Once this field has a value, it can no longer be changed. |
Message | - |
Introduced In Version | Introduced: 2021 Updated: - |
Revocable | NO |