R31596 Activity - UpdateDefaultReminder
Code | R31596 |
Entity | General.Activities.Activities Entity |
Name | UpdateDefaultReminder |
Attribute | ReminderTime |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Priority | Normal |
Modify | NO |
Applicable Legislations | ALL // no condition needed |
Action | If (Activity.Reminders[IsDefault=True].Count() >= 1)
{ get the first Activity.Reminders[IsDefault=True] and set ReminderTime=Activity.ReminderTime } , else { create new Reminder and set IsDefault=True AND ReminderTime=Activity.ReminderTime } |
Description | The current rule updates the Reminders of the Activity, when the 'Reminder Time'
field of the Activity's header is changed.
If there already is a Reminder for which the field 'Is Default' is checked-marked - the rule copies the Reminder Time of the activity into this record. If there is not - then the rule creates a new default reminder and fills in its Reminder Time with the Reminder Time of the Activity, |
Message | - |
Version | Introduced: 2020
Updated: - |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.