R30911 WebSite - Relative Url And Web Host Cannot Be Both Null

Code R30911
Entity Systems.Config.WebSites Entity
Name RelativeUrlAndWebHostCannotBeBothNull
Attribute RelativeUrl, WebHost
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Applicable Legislations [ALL // no condition needed](https://confluence .erp.net/display/techdoc/Country+Specific+Functionality)
Action Validate that:

(WebHost!=null AND RelativeURL=null)


(WebHost=null AND RelativeURL!=null)


(WebHost!=null AND RelativeURL!=null)
Description The fields 'Web Host' and 'Relative URL' could not be both empty because it would mean that the website has no address.

Note that it is still a valid setting if only one of the fields is empty.
Message The fields 'Web Host' and 'Relative URL' are both empty.

At least one of these fields must have a value.
Version Introduced: 2020.1

Updated: -
Revocable No

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.