R30433-5 Activity - Set Planned Duration Minutes
Code | R30433-5 |
Entity | General.Activities.Activities Entity |
Name | SetPlannedDurationMinutes |
Attribute | PlannedDurationMinutes |
Layer | Front-End |
Events | AttributeChanged(StartTime)
AttributeChanged(EndTime) |
Priority | - |
Modify | YES |
Action | IF(Activity.State == DocumentState.New)
If (StartTime !=null AND EndTime != null) PlannedDurationMinutes = (EndTime - StartTime).TotalMinutes else if (StartTime ==null OR EndTime == null) PlannedDurationMinutes = null |
Description | Calculates the Planned Duration Minutes as the difference between Start Time and End Time. |
Message | - |
Introduced In Version | |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.