R30433-4 Activity - Set System Subject

Code 30433-4
Entity General.Activities.Activities Entity
Name SetSystemSubject
Attribute Subject
Layer Front-End
Events AttributeChanged(TargetParty, SystemType)
Priority Normal
Modify YES
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action if (TargetPartyIdAttribute is changed AND  TargetParty.OldValue != TargetParty.NewValue) { if (Subject == null OR TargetParty.OldValue == null OR Subject == SystemSubject(SystemType, TargetParty.OldValue) Subject = SystemSubject(SystemType, TargetParty); } } if (SystemTypeAttribute is changed AND SystemType.OldValue != SystemType.NewValue) { if (a.Subject == null OR Subject == SystemSubject(SystemType.OldValue, TargetParty)) a.Subject = SystemSubject(SystemType, TargetParty); }
Description The system value of Subject is a combination of Target Party name and System Type of the activity in the format "System Type / Target Party Name". If Subject has not been modified by a user, when Target Party or System Type has been changed, Subject should be updated with the new values of the components.
Version Introduced: 2020.1
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.