R29729 EntitySetting - Is Aggregate Root

Code R29729
Entity Systems.Security.EntitySettings Entity
Name IsAggregateRoot
Attribute TrackChangesLevel
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Applicable Legislations ALL // no condition needed
Action If (TrackChangesLevel != DoNotTrackChanges)

, validate that GetAggregateRoot() = null
Description Currently, changes can be tracked only for the whole aggregate (for more information, see Aggregates). In order to start | tracking changes for a particular aggregate we should set a 'Track Changes Level' other than '0 - Do Not Track Changes' in the definition of the entity that is an 'Aggregate Root'.

For this reason, the current rule validates that when we are setting a 'Track Changes Level' other than '0 - Do Not Track Changes' we are editing exactly the root of the aggregate.
Message The 'Track Changes Level' field in the definition of entity '{EntityName}' has an invalid value. The only valid value for this entity is '0 - Do Not Track Changes'.

Track changes could be activated only for the entity that is a root of the aggregate. The aggregate root of the current entity is '{AggregateRoot.EntityName}'.
Introduced In Version 2019.1
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.