R28868 DocumentAmount - Load Default Values

Code R28868
Entity General.Documents.DocumentAmounts Entity
Name LoadDefaultValues
Attribute InputPercent, InputAmount, InputUnitAmount, InputUnit, InputAmountCurrency
Layer Front-End
Events AttributeChanged(Document)
Priority - |
Modify YES
Action For Logistics documents which support Additional amounts validate that:

if(Document.DocumentType.DocumentTypeAmount.DefaultPercent != null) InputPercent = DefaultPercent

if(Document.DocumentType.DocumentTypeAmount.DefaultInputAmount != null) InputAmount= DefaultInputAmount

if(Document.DocumentType.DocumentTypeAmount.DefaultInputUnitAmount != null) InputUnitAmount= DefaultInputUnitAmount

if(Document.DocumentType.DocumentTypeAmount.DefaultInputUnit != null) InputUnit= DefaultInputUnit

if(Document.DocumentType.DocumentTypeAmount.DefaultCurrency != null) InputAmountCurrency= DefaultCurrency
Description The current rule loads the default values of the Additional Amounts when  a document is created or changed. The default values are stored in the document type definition.
Message - |
Introduced In Version
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.