R28836 CompanyEmployee - Update Person's Parent Party

Code R28836
Entity General.Contacts.CompanyEmployees Entity
Name UpdatePersonsParentParty
Attribute -
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Priority Normal
Modify YES
Action Validate that:

If (Person.ParentParty == null)

Person.ParentParty = Company.Party
Description The current update rule does do following: if the employee' person has no organizational unit (ParentParty), by defining the company employee, the user defines the person's organisational unit. And, as a person may be employee in more than one company, the parent party of the person is only updated if it is empty. If it is not empty - the user has to make the decision which is the person's parent party.
Message -
Introduced In Version 2019.1
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.