R28607 Offer - At Least One Selected Line

Code R28607
Entity Crm.Presales.Offers Entity
Name AtLeastOneSelectedLine
Attribute Line.IsSelected
Layer Back-End
Events Releasing +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (Offer.Lines.Count > 0)

Offer.Lines[IsSelected == True].Count() > 0

The 'Is Selected' attribute marks the lines, which would be processed further. For example

  • which lines should be copied to the Sales Order lines. If an offer has rows and none of them is selected, there is no reason to release the offer.
Message Offer {DocumentText} has no lines marked as selected.

In order to release the offer at least one line must have the 'Is Selected' attribute checked.
Introduced In Version 2018.2
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.