R28509 OutputOrder - Non Voided Document Of The Work Order Item

Code R28509
Entity Production.ShopFloor.OutputOrders Entity
Name NonVoidedDocumentOfTheWorkOrderItem
Attribute Line.WorkOrderItem
Layer Back-End
Events Planning +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action For each line validate that:

OutputOrderLine.WorkOrderItem.WorkOrder.Void == false
Description There are cases when a document or a referred document becomes voided while a user is using data from the voided document. For example someone may void a WorkOrder while a user is using its work order items and select them in an OutputOrder lines.

The current validation prevents the user to enter and release such OutputOrders.
Message Line {LineOrd} of {OutputOrderLine.OutputOrder.DocumentText} refers to a Work Order Item which is a part of a voided Work Order.

Please, select a correct Work Order Item.

Sort Messages By Attribute: LineOrd
Introduced In Version 2018.1
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.