R28458 OutputOrder - Work Order Item Operation

Code R28458
Entity Production.ShopFloor.OutputOrders Entity
Name WorkOrderItemOperation
Attribute WorkOrderItemOperation
Layer Back-End
Events Planning +
Priority Normal
Modify NO
Action For each OutputOrderLine, validate that:

OutputOrderLines.LineWorkOrder.WorkOrder == OutputOrderLines.WorkOrderItemOperation.WorkOrderItem.WorkOrder
Description Work Order Item Operations in the Output Order Lines could be selected manually by the users. Usually, they are picked up from the field's drop-down list, which is already filtered by the Work Order Item that is set in the line and it's work order. But there are also situations (such as pasting lines from another document) when the user may unintentionally fill in an Item Operations which refer to another work order.

For this reason, the current rule validates that the work order of the Line Work Order that set in the line corresponds to the work order of the Work Order Item Operation.
Message Line number {OutputOrderLine.LineOrder} contains a 'Work Order Item Operation' which refers to a different work order than the work order of the 'Line Work Order' set in the line.

Please check that the correct 'Line Work Order' is set in the line and reselect the 'Work Order Item' and it's operations from the field's drop-down lists.

Sort Messages By Attribute: {OutputOrderLine.LineOrder}
Introduced In Version 2021
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.