The "LeaseContractLine. RentalAsset" has not already been rented with another
LeaseContractLine (including the lines of the current document) for which "LeaseContract.State
>= Released" and "LeaseContract.Void = False" and it's Leasing Period* overlaps with the
Leasing Period of the current LeaseContractLine.
The leasing Leasing Period is determined as follows:
Start date is the earliest TransactionTimestamp of a rental Transactions that refer to the
particular LeaseContract for which "TransactionType = Deliver". If no rental Transaction is
found, then Start date is the "LeaseContractLine.StartDate".
End date is the latest TransactionTimestamp of a rental Transactions that refer to the
particular LeaseContract for which "TransactionType = Receive". If no rental Transaction is
found, then Start date is the "LeaseContractLine.EndDate".
The same Asset can't be rented twice for the same period of time. For this reason, each line of
the particular Lease Contract is validated, that the Rental Asset has not already been rented
with another line (including the lines of the current document).
A Rental Asset is considered as rented if:
it is used in a Lease Contract with a Document State Released, Completed or Closed that is
not Voided;
the Leasing Period of the line overlaps with the Leasing Period of the current
The Leasing Period is determined by the Transaction Timestamps of the rental Transaction with
which it has been delivered or received. If for the particular Rental Asset there are no rental
Transactions, then the start and end date of this period are determined by the Start and End
Date set in the Lease Contract Lines.
Line number '[LineNo]' contains an asset '[RentalAssetCodе]' which has already been
rented with another rental contract for the same leasing period. For more information, see
report 'Assets status'.
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* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see
topic System Business Rules.