R28337 ProductPrice - Check Customers Enterprise Company

Code R28337
Entity Crm.Pricing.ProductPrices Entity
Name CheckCustomersEnterpriseCompany
Attribute Customer
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (Customer != null && EnterpriseCompany != null)

Customer.EnterpriseCompany == null || Customer.EnterpriseCompany = EnterpriseCompany
Description One party may be a different customer in each of our enterprise companies. And these customers all have the same name. If there is a need of different product price for each enterprise company it is possible for the user to define a product price which should be activated in one enterprise company and to filter it by a customer which is a customer of different enterprise company. Such unit price would never be activated as its conditions cannot be met.
Message "The enterprise company of the customer is '{Customer.EnterpriseCompany.Party.PartyName}' and the enterprise company of the unit price is '{EnterpriseCompany.Party.PartyName}'.

If the enterprise company and the customer of a product price have values, the enterprise company of the customer should be empty or it should be equal to the enterprise company of the product price."
Introduced In Version 2018
Revocable YES

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.