R28182 Depreciation - Single Specified Asset Depreciation Per Asset And Period

Code R28182
Entity Finance.Assets.Depreciations Entity
Name SingleSpecifiedAssetDepreciationPerAssetAndPeriod
Attribute DepreciationRange
Layer Back-End
Events First Releasing +
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (Depreciation1.DepreciationRange = SpecifiedAssets)

there is no other Depreciation with the following data:

Depreciation2.DepreciationAsset.Asset == Depreciation1.DepreciationAsset.Asset

Depreciation2.EnterpriseCompany == Depreciation1.EnterpriseCompany

Depreciation2.Void == False

Depreciation2.DepreciationRange == SpecifiedAssets

Depreciation2.DocumentState >= Released (30)

(Depreciation1.StartDate <= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate >= Depreciation2.EndDate)


(Depreciation1.StartDate >= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate <= Depreciation2.EndDate)


(Depreciation1.StartDate >= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.StartDate< Depreciation2.EndDate)


(Depreciation1.StartDate <= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate> Depreciation2.StartDate)
Description The current validation prevents the users to release more than one depreciation per period for one asset since there is no discrepancy system which would autocorrect the user's mistake.
Message The period of depreciation {DocumentText} intersects the period of {DocumentText of the list of Depreciations violating the rule, comma separated} for the same asset {Depreciation.DepreciationAsset.Asset.Name}.
Introduced In Version 2018
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.