R28182 Depreciation - Single Specified Asset Depreciation Per Asset And Period
Code | R28182 |
Entity | Finance.Assets.Depreciations Entity |
Name | SingleSpecifiedAssetDepreciationPerAssetAndPeriod |
Attribute | DepreciationRange |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | First Releasing + |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that:
If (Depreciation1.DepreciationRange = SpecifiedAssets) there is no other Depreciation with the following data: Depreciation2.DepreciationAsset.Asset == Depreciation1.DepreciationAsset.Asset Depreciation2.EnterpriseCompany == Depreciation1.EnterpriseCompany Depreciation2.Void == False Depreciation2.DepreciationRange == SpecifiedAssets Depreciation2.DocumentState >= Released (30) (Depreciation1.StartDate <= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate >= Depreciation2.EndDate) OR (Depreciation1.StartDate >= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate <= Depreciation2.EndDate) OR (Depreciation1.StartDate >= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.StartDate< Depreciation2.EndDate) OR (Depreciation1.StartDate <= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate> Depreciation2.StartDate) |
Description | The current validation prevents the users to release more than one depreciation per period for one asset since there is no discrepancy system which would autocorrect the user's mistake. |
Message | The period of depreciation {DocumentText} intersects the period of {DocumentText of the list of Depreciations violating the rule, comma separated} for the same asset {Depreciation.DepreciationAsset.Asset.Name}. |
Introduced In Version | 2018 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.