R28159 Depreciation - Single All Assets Depreciation Per Period
Code | R28159 |
Entity | Finance.Assets.Depreciations Entity |
Name | SingleAllAssetsDepreciationPerPeriod |
Attribute | DepreciationRange |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | First Releasing + |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that:
If (Depreciation1.DepreciationRange == AllAssets) there is no other Depreciation with the following data: Depreciation2.EnterpriseCompany == Depreciation1.EnterpriseCompany Depreciation2.Void == False Depreciation2.DepreciationRange == AllAssets Depreciation2.DocumentState >= Released (30) (Depreciation1.StartDate <= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate >= Depreciation2.EndDate) OR (Depreciation1.StartDate >= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate <= Depreciation2.EndDate) OR (Depreciation1.StartDate >= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.StartDate< Depreciation2.EndDate) OR (Depreciation1.StartDate <= Depreciation2.StartDate AND Depreciation1.EndDate> Depreciation2.StartDate) |
Description | If the Depreciation Range is All Assets, than in the same Enterprise Company there must be no other at least released non-voided Depreciations for the same period for All Assets. Depreciations for all assets are released just once per period as they calculate their values based on depreciation plans and they are not expected to use some kind of discrepancy system to know there are differences. |
Message | The period of depreciation {DocumentText} with range of All Assets intersects the period of {DocumentText of the list of Depreciations violating the rule, comma separated}. |
Introduced In Version | 2018 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.