R28151 Document - Enterprise Company Location Required
Code | R28151 |
Entity | General.Documents.Documents Entity |
Name | EnterpriseCompanyLocationRequired
Attribute | EnterpriseCompanyLocation
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Modify | NO
Action | If for Document.EnterpriseCompany there is at least one EnterpriseCompanyLocation, validate
EnterpriseCompanyLocation != NULL |
Description | Once the document is saved, the Enterprise Company Location can not be changed by the user. Therefore the Enterprise Company Location needs to be set before saving the document. It only applies if there is at least one Enterprise Company Location for the particular Enterprise Company. |
Message | Use the message from R27099 PaymentSlip - Payment Account |
Introduced In Version | 2018 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.