R27836 Document - From Company Division
Code | R27836 |
Entity | General.Documents.Documents Entity | |
Name | FromCompanyDivision |
Attribute | FromCompanyDivision |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that:
If (FromCompanyDivision != null) FromCompanyDivision.Company = FromParty.Company |
Description | FromCompanyDivision represents a division of the company which is entered in the From Party field. It specifies the division of the company which issues the document. If it has value, this value is correct only if the selected division is part of the company, issuing the document. |
Message | "The 'From Company Division' field value - '{FromCompanyDivision}', is not a division of
the company, selected in the 'From Party' field - '{FromParty}'.
The division must be defined as a division of the party, selected in the 'From Party' field." |
Introduced In Version | 2018 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.