R27441 PurchaseInvoice - Line Receiving Order Line
Code | R27441 |
Entity | Logistics.Procurement.PurchaseInvoices Entity |
Name | LineReceivingOrderLine |
Attribute | ReceivingOrderLine |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Released + |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that:
If (PurchaseInvoiceLine.Product.ProductType.IsStocked == True) PurchaseInvoiceLine.ReceivingOrderLine != null |
Description | When receiving products which are stocked in a warehouse, the process should go through Receiving Order. The Receiving Order ensures that there is a Store Transaction for the quantity of the product and for its cost afterwards when releasing the Purchase Invoice. For more information see Setting cost when purchasing goods. |
Message | The message is repeated for each line, which violates the current business rule:
"Line {[LineNo]} has empty value in 'Receiving Order Line' field. As the product is stocked in а warehouse, 'Receiving Order Line' cannot be empty." Sort Messages By Attribute: LineNo |
Introduced In Version | 2017 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.