R27441 PurchaseInvoice - Line Receiving Order Line

Code R27441
Entity Logistics.Procurement.PurchaseInvoices Entity
Name LineReceivingOrderLine
Attribute ReceivingOrderLine
Layer Back-End
Events Released +
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (PurchaseInvoiceLine.Product.ProductType.IsStocked == True)

PurchaseInvoiceLine.ReceivingOrderLine != null
Description When receiving products which are stocked in a warehouse, the process should go through Receiving Order. The Receiving Order ensures that there is a Store Transaction for the quantity of the product and for its cost afterwards when releasing the Purchase Invoice. For more information see Setting cost when purchasing goods.
Message The message is repeated for each line, which violates the current business rule:

"Line {[LineNo]} has empty value in 'Receiving Order Line' field. As the product is stocked in а warehouse, 'Receiving Order Line' cannot be empty."

Sort Messages By Attribute: LineNo
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.