R27343 DefaultSalesOrderPaymentPlan - Remainder Is Checked At Most Once

Code R27343
Entity Crm.Sales.DefaultSalesOrderPaymentPlans Entity
Name RemainderIsCheckedAtMostOnce
Attribute Remainder
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Modify NO

For each of the following groups:

  • rows with null EnterpriseCompany;
  • rows with not null EnterpriseCompany and null EnterpriseCompanyLocation and null EnterpriseCompany - a group for each EnterpriseCompany+null EnterpriseCompany;
  • rows with not null EnterpriseCompany and not null EnterpriseCompanyLocation and null EnterpriseCompany - a group for each EnterpriseCompany and EnterpriseCompanyLocation and null EnterpriseCompany;

    Validate that:

    Rows(Remainder==True).Count() <= 1
Description At a sales order payment plan there must be at most one checked remainder. The remainder indicates that the current payment plan line is the remainder of the document - for example the total amount of the sales order minus the explicitly specified amounts by AmountPercents fields in the payment plan.
Message "There are more than one lines in the default payment plan for document type '{DocumentType}' {", company '"+ [EnterpriseCompany] + "'" }{ ", company location '" + [EnterpriseCompanyLocation] + ""' }that are marked as 'remainder'. At most one line can be remainder."
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.