R27168 Customer - Check Serviced By Enterprise Company Location

Code R27168
Entity Crm.Sales.Customers Entity
Name CheckServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation
Attribute ServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (ServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation != null)

Customer.EnterpriseCompany != null AND ServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation.EnterpriseCompany == Customer.EnterpriseCompany
Description If Serviced By has value then the Enterprise Company of the Customer must have value and this value must be equal to the Enterprise Company of the location filled in the Serviced By field. If they are different, that would be an inconsistent information. The enterprise company location is a part of s specified enterprise company and it cannot service customers of other enterprise companies - so if Serviced By has value, than the Enterprise Company must have value also.
Message "The entered enterprise company location '{0}' does not belong to the enterprise company from the customer definition'.", [ServicedByEnterpriseCompanyLocation]
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.