R27142 ProductPrice - Check Enterprise Company Location

Code R27142
Entity Crm.Pricing.ProductPrices Entity
Name CheckEnterpriseCompanyLocation
Attribute EnterpriseCompanyLocation
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action Validate that:

If (ProductPrice.EnterpriseCompanyLocation!= null AND ProductPrice.EnterpriseCompany != null)

ProductPrice.EnterpriseCompanyLocation.EnterpriseCompany == ProductPrice.EnterpriseCompany
Description If the EnterpriseCompany and EnterpriseCompanyLocation are filled in, then the EnterpriseCompany of the selected location must be the same as the selected EnterpriseCompany.
Message "The enterprise company location '{0}' isn't company location of the enterprise company '{1}'.", [EnterpriseCompanyLocation], [EnterpriseCompany]

Message also used in:

R27164 DefaultSalesOrderPaymentPlan - Check Enterprise Company Location

R27157 LineDiscounts - Check EnterpriseCompanyLocation
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.