R27078 DocumentAmount - Input Amount

Code R27078
Entity General.Documents.DocumentAmounts Entity
Name InputAmount
Attribute InputAmount
Layer Back-End
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action In the Documents in the panel Additional Document Amounts, if the field "Input Amount" has value, then the value must refer to the setting in the field "Allowed Direction" from Document Amount Type definition.

If "DocumentAmoutnType.AllowedDirection = Allow All", then "DocumentAmount. InputAmount " can be <=> 0.

If "DocumentAmoutnType.AllowedDirection = Allow only negative", then "DocumentAmount. InputAmount " must be < 0.

If "DocumentAmoutnType.AllowedDirection = Allow only positive", then "DocumentAmount. InputAmount " must be >= 0.
Description If in the current Document Amount Type definition, the field "Allowed Direction" has value "Allow All" in Documents in panel Additional Document Amounts the user, can enter positive or negative values in the field "Input Amount" for this Document Amount Type.

If in the current Document Amount Type definition, the field "Allowed Direction" has value "Allow only negative" in Documents in panel Additional Document Amounts, the user can enter only negative values in the field "Input Amount" for this Document Amount Type.

If in the current Document Amount Type definition, the field "Allowed Direction" has value "Allow only positive" in Documents in panel Additional Document Amounts, the user can enter only positive values in the field "Input Amount" for this Document Amount Type.
Message The allowed directions setting for amount type '{0}' is set to '{1}' but the input value in 'Input_Amount' doesn't correspond.,AmountTypeName, AllowedDirections
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.