R27070 Declaration - Line Statistical Value Amount Base Is Null
Code | R27070 |
Name | Finance.Intrastat.Declarations Entity |
Entity | Declaration |
Layer | Back-End |
Attribute | Line.StatisticalValueAmountBase |
Events | Releasing + |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that: If DeclareStatisticalValues = false, then all Intrastat Declaration rows must have null value in StatisticalValueAmountBase field. |
Desc ription | If the declaration is not supposed to declare statistical value, then the user sets DecalareStatisticalValues to false and the statistical value in all rows of the declarations must have null values. |
Message | "Declaration {DocumentText} is not declaring statistical values but it has lines with Statistical values filled in. Please empty all statistical value fields." |
Introduced In Version | |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.