R27047 Asset - Valuation Currency
Code | R27047 |
Entity | Finance.Assets.Assets Entity |
Name | Asset.ValuationCurrency |
Layer | Back-End |
Attribute | ValuationCurrency |
Events | Commit |
Modify | NO |
Action | If for the particular asset there are non-voided Asset Transactions or Depreciation Plans which are on state Released+, then the Valuation Currency can not be edited. |
Description | In the Asset Transactions and Depreciation Plans there is no currency field that can be edited by the user. The currency of those documents fully depends on the Valuation Currency set in the Asset definition. Therefore, if the Valuation Currency is changed when there are Asset Transactions or Depreciation Plans which are on state Released+ this will interfere the currency of their amounts and they will contain incorrect information. |
Message | The change of valuation currency of asset [Asser.InventoryNumber] is not allowed because there
are non-voided Asset Transactions and/or Depreciation Plans which are on state at least
Please undo the currency change. |
Introduced In Version | 2017 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.