R27020 Declaration - Line Intrastat Commodity Code

Code 27020
Name LineIntastatCommodityCode
Entity Finance.Intrastat.Declarations Entity
Layer Back-End
Attribute Line.IntastatCommodityCode
Events Releasing +
Modify NO
Action If the following is not true for all rows of the Intrastat Declaration, throw an error:

If ((CommodityCode.ValidFrom <= IntrastatDeclaration.Period AND CommodityCode.ValidTo >= IntrastatDeclaration.Period) OR (CommodityCode.ValidFrom <= IntrastatDeclaration.Period AND CommodityCode.ValidTo == null) OR (CommodityCode.ValidFrom == null AND CommodityCode.ValidTo >= IntrastatDeclaration.Period) OR (CommodityCode.ValidFrom == null AND CommodityCode.ValidTo == null))

LineIntastatCommodityCode() = true


LineIntastatCommodityCode() = false
Description The Intrastat commodity codes must be updated according to the combined nomenclature, approved by the European Union. Each intrastat commodity code has validity and when releasing an intrastat declaration, all intrastat commodity codes used in it must be valid for the period of the declaration.
Message "Declaration {0} have records with invalid intrastat commodity code. Commodity code '{1}' from line 10 is valid from {2} to {3}. Please fill valid commodity code.", DocumentText, IntrastatCommodityCode, IntrastatCommodityCode.ValidFrom, IntrastatCommodityCode.ValidTo
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.