R27017 Declaration - Release Regular Declaration

Code R27017
Name ReleaseRegularDeclaration
Entity Finance.Intrastat.Declarations Entity
Layer Back-End
Attribute DeclarationFunction
Events Releasing +
Modify NO
Action If the Intrastat Declaration has DeclarationFunction = regular, then on release or correction there must be no other released and non-voided corrective declarations with the same Goods flow direction and the same Enterprise Company.
Description If the user releases a regular declaration, then it is supposed that this is the first declaration in the specified period. So there must be no any corrective declarations which have the same Goods flow direction, the same Enterprise Company and are at least released and non-voided .
Message "Declaration {0} is {1} but in same reference period exists а released non voidеd corrective declaration/s with the same 'Goods flow direction'. Please check status of the other declarations in same reference period." DocumentText, DeclarationFunction
Version Introduced: 2017

Updated: 2019.1 - added a new conditions by "Goods flow direction" and "Enterprise Company"
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.