R26947-3 DocumentAmount - Input Unit
Code | R26947-3 |
Entity | General.Documents.DocumentAmounts Entity |
Name | InputUnit |
Attribute | InputUnit |
Layer | Back-End |
Events | Commit |
Modify | NO |
Action | Validate that:
If the field 'InputUnitAmount' has value, then the field 'InputUnit' must have value. |
Description | In the Documents in the panel Additional Document Amounts, the user can enter the value in the field 'InputUnit' only when the field 'Input Unit Amount' has value. |
Message | InputUnit is null while InputUnitAmount is not null. |
Introduced In Version | 2017 |
Revocable | NO |
* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.