R26912 PromotionalPackageLine - Line Unit Price Currency

Code 26912
Name LineUnitPriceCurrency
Entity Crm.Pricing.PromotionalPackageLines Entity
Layer Back-End
Attribute Unit Price Currency
Events Commit
Modify NO
Action If the field 'Unit Price' has value, then the field 'Unit Price Currency' must be filled in.
Description For the products in the promotional packages can be set a specific price or discount. But in order these values to be accurate in the documents where they are going to be used, we must specify their currency as well.
Message The field 'Unit Price Currency' in line number [LineNo] is empty.  'Unit Price Currency' is required when the field 'Unit price' has value.
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.