R26466 CurrencyDirectory - Validate Document Making Void

Code 26466
Name ValidateDocumentMakingVoid
Entity General.Currencies.CurrencyDirectories Entity
Layer Back-End
Attribute --
Events DocumentMakingVoid
Modify NO
Action ValidateDocumentMakingVoid() = true if there are no other non-voided documents using it.
Description If there is a non-voided document in the database, using the same CurrencyDirectory, then the CurrencyDirectory cannot be voided.
Message "Currency directory {0} can't be void because it is used by other documents that aren't void. The documents that use that currency directory are {ListOfDocumentsUsingTheCurrencyDirectory[0-n]}.", DocumentText, ListOfDocumentsUsingTheCurrencyDirectory[]
Introduced In Version 2017
Revocable NO

* For more information about the Business Rules Documentation Template and a short explanation of each column, see topic System Business Rules.