$filter query option
$filter is a standard OData query option, implemented with some limitations in ERP.net. Not every operation and function provided by the OData standard are implemented.
For a great introduction to $filter, read the OData $filter tutorial.
This article mostly emphasizes on the implementation details of $filter in ERP.net.
Supported operators
Operator | Description |
eq | Equal |
ge | Greater than or equal |
le | Less than or equal |
and | Returns true if both the left and right operands evaluate to true. |
in | The in operator returns true if the left operand is a member of the right operand. The right operand MUST be a comma-separated list of primitive value. |
Operator 'or' is not supported
Operator 'or' is not supported.
However all navigation properties and some properties of enumerable type (e.g. General_Document.State) support the 'in' operator.
Operator 'in'
The 'in' operator can be used for minimizing the query round trips.
- List of Id values:
General_Products_Products?$filter=Id in (0e8fb111-5b04-4eab-a890-47cfb9cfa4c4, 14389ba0-ee5c-459e-afd0-d74c17240f28)
- List of enum values:
Crm_Sales_SalesOrders?$top=10&$filter=State in ('FirmPlanned', 'Released')&$select=State
- List of reference values:
Crm_Sales_SalesOrders?$top=10&$select=DocumentType&$filter=DocumentType in ('General_DocumentTypes(f8a93d3a-8cf3-4a09-9d45-667d664cb98d)', 'General_DocumentTypes(469b67b1-8b4b-4fb4-9d97-20c96105a85a)')
- List of reference values with different object types (the reference is of the base object type):
Crm_Sales_SalesOrders?$top=10&$filter=ToParty in ('General_Contacts_Persons(adb66f3f-e173-4a37-878c-000920f44ff0)', 'General_Contacts_Companies(39148781-d316-4d4d-a392-0002f73710f2)')
Filter by date and date-time attributes
Crm_Sales_SalesOrders?$top=10&$filter=DocumentDate ge 2020-01-01Z
Note! Filter by date-time is not supported! A date-time value in the filter is truncated to date only. For example
$filter=TransactionTimestamp le 2020-01-05T23:59:59.999Z
is converted to$filter=TransactionTimestamp le 2020-01-05T00:00:00Z
. If we want to find all store transaction lines for date 2020-01-05 we should make filter$filter=TransactionTimestamp ge 2020-01-05T00:00:00Z and TransactionTimestamp ge 2020-01-06T00:00:00Z
and then in the result we must check for lines on 2020-01-06.
Filter by complex attributes
In ODATA complex objects can not participate in the $filter clause. The quantities and amounts in DomainApi are represented as complex objects that contain the value and the measurement unit (or currency).
To filter by Amount or Quantity attribute you can use the name of the attribute followed by 'Value':
~/Logistics_Inventory_StoreTransactionLines?$filter=QuantityValue ge 5.555
~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrderLines?$filter=LineAmountValue ge 5.555
CustomPropertyValue is another complex type. To filter by Custom Property you must use only the short value (only eq is supported):
General_Products_Products?$top=10&$select=CustomProperty_color&$filter=CustomProperty_color eq 'blue'
MultilanguageString is another complex type.
Multi-language properties support only filter function contains:
This is an invalid filter:
~/General_Products_Products?$filter=Name eq 'Apple'
Supported standard functions
- Edm.Boolean contains(Edm.String, Edm.String)
- Edm.Boolean endswith(Edm.String, Edm.String)
- Edm.Boolean startswith(Edm.String, Edm.String)
Supported non-standard $filter functions
Edm.Boolean contains(Erp.MultilanguageString, Edm.String)
Returns true if the second string is contained in any language of the first multi-language string.
Edm.Boolean contains(NavigationProperty, Edm.String)
Returns true if the string is contained in the entity, refereced by the navigation property.
Edm.Boolean equalnull(any-type,any-type)
Returns true if the first argument is equal to the second argument or the first argument is null.
Edm.Boolean lessequalnull(any-type,any-type)
Returns true if the first argument is less than or equal to the second argument or the first argument is null.
Edm.Boolean greaterequalnull(any-type,any-type)
Returns true if the first argument is greater than or equal to the second argument or the first argument is null.