Table of Contents

Custom Property Value

Custom Properties (also called Custom Attributes in the domain terminology) are user-defined attributes, which can supplement the predefined system attributes.

Definition of а Custom Property

For reference information about the definition of the custom properties, see General.CustomProperties Entity.

Here are some highlights for the definition record:

  • EntityName contains the name of the entity, for which the property is defined. You can find the entity name for each entity in the model documentation. For example, the entity name for Crm.Customers Entity is "Crm_Customers" (check it out in the link - see the tag line under the entity name).

  • LimitToAllowedValues - this defines whether the property is free text or is limited to a list of allowed values.

  • AllowedValuesEntityName - specifies that the allowed values are retrieved from the specified entity. When this is NULL, the allowed values are retrieved from General.CustomPropertyAllowedValues Entity .

Data type and values

In the Domain API, the custom properties are properties of type General_CustomPropertyValue. The API name of the custom property starts with 'CustomProperty_' followed by the user defined property code.


Properties with Code, which does not conform to the specification for identifier name, might not be accessible through the API. See Identifier Name Specification.

Each database contains different custom properties and that is why each database have different EDM model ($metadata).


If a user creates new custom property in the database, this custom property is not exposed in the Domain API in real time. This is because the Domain API caches all repositories and their attributes until next restart. To refresh the cached attributes you must call the ~/domain/reset endpoint.



Executing /reset requires authenticated user connection.

Composition of the CustomPropertyValue type

Name Type Description
Value String The short value. This is the actual value of the custom property.
Description MultilanguageString This is long, descriptive, multi-language value of the custom property. Can be null.
ValueId Guid The Id of the entry represented by the property value. It's the id of the allowed value. Can be null.


"CustomProperty_color": {
    "Value": "аpple",
    "ValueId": "5263a2d3-88b0-41db-adae-31c76135719e",
    "Description": {
        "EN": "The Apple.",
        "DE": "Die Apfel."

To filter by Custom Property you must use only the short value (only eq is supported):
General_Products_Products?$top=10&$select=CustomProperty_color&$filter=CustomProperty_color eq 'apple'