Working with documents
See Documents on technical documentation.
Retrieving and updating documents is the same as any other entity in the domain.
However there are some specific rules that apply only to documents. For example documents on state Released or above can not be modified directly. They must be modified with adjustment documents.
Another important attribute of the documents that can not be modified with simple PATCH request is State.
The examples below show some tasks related to documents.
Create document
Document can be created only by specifying the required properties. Other properties will be filled by it's constant default value or it's LateDefault expression.
If Front-End model is used in API Transaction dependent property values are recalculated upon property change. For example in SalesOrderLine line.ProductDescription is set to line.Product.Name when line.Product changes.
In the example bellow a new SalesOrder is created with one SalesOrderLine.
Note that measurement units and currencies are specified before passing Quantity or Amount values. This is required because the quantity or amount contains the code of the measurement unit or currency.
POST ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrders
"DocumentType": {
"": "General_DocumentTypes(469b67b1-8b4b-4fb4-9d97-20c96105a85a)"
"EnterpriseCompany": {
"": "General_EnterpriseCompanies(b0e80577-fbbe-4c9b-811e-20b6c6dd465f)"
"Customer": {
"": "Crm_Customers(15f2640f-f374-4017-ae2d-d2a41535f054)"
"DocumentCurrency": {
"": "General_Currencies(3187833a-d3c1-4804-bfc0-e17e6aee3069)"
"Lines": [
"Product": {
"": "General_Products_Products(81d38b50-fd06-e611-8292-b31071e2ee7f)"
"QuantityUnit": {
"": "General_MeasurementUnits(7dbe6d6a-22ef-4c2f-a798-054bc2d13c8b)"
"Quantity": {
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "pcs"
"UnitPrice": {
"Value": 20,
"Currency": "BGN"
Change document state
POST ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrders(59098bcf-f331-478f-91c2-f5520590f534)/ChangeState
"newState" : "FirmPlanned",
"userStatus": {"": "General_DocumentTypeUserStatuses(1ee1249e-4ef5-46b4-8409-26b2130d09c7)"}
Make document void
POST ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrders(11217345-3659-43be-a85d-005eaaa3aaac)/MakeVoid
"reason" : "test api method",
"voidType": "VoidDocument"
Recalculate document
This method is used to recalculate some document details such as Document Amounts (like VAT), Bonus Programs etc. It make sense only in the context of Front-End transaction because the recalculated changes remain only in memory. They must be commited to the database with a separate call to EndTransaction{commit=true}.
POST ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrders(11217345-3659-43be-a85d-005eaaa3aaac)/Recalculate
Create adjustment documents
Released documents can be modified only with adjustment documents. The API provides a convenient method to create adjustment documents: CreateAdjustmentDocuments. The method requires TransactionId in the request header.
The method creates adjustment documents for modified released documents. The adjustment documents are created in separate transaction and their state is changed to 'Adjustment'. The method does not commit or rollback the current front-end transaction.
// Begin a front-end transaction
POST ~/BeginTransaction
"model": "frontend"
// The returned transaction id must be set in the request header for each subsequent query. The header name is TransactionId.
// Update some sales order lines.
PATCH ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrderLines(34217345-3659-43be-a85d-005eaaa3aaac)
TransactionId: xxxx
"Quantity": {"Value": 5.0, "Unit": "PCE"}
// Update another line.
PATCH ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrderLines(65217345-3659-43be-a85d-005eaaa3aaac)
TransactionId: xxxx
"Quantity": {"Value": 15.0, "Unit": "PCE"}
// Call CreateAdjustmentDocuments to create the adjustment documents and apply the changes to the original document.
// Adjustment documents will be created for all modified released documents in the current transaction.
POST ~/CreateAdjustmentDocuments
TransactionId: xxxx
// End the transaction without committing because updating released document directly is not allowed.
POST ~/EndTransaction
TransactionId: xxxx
"commit": false
Create multiple lines to an existing document
A possible scenario is when you have a document created, but later you want to add its lines.
PATCH ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrders(283e4c71-2d77-4083-81b6-4c7f17668d7e)
"Lines": [
"LineNo": 10,
"Product": {
"": "General_Products_Products(81d38b50-fd06-e611-8292-b31071e2ee7f)"
"QuantityUnit": {
"": "General_MeasurementUnits(7dbe6d6a-22ef-4c2f-a798-054bc2d13c8b)"
"Quantity": {
"Value": 1,
"Unit": "pcs"
"UnitPrice": {
"Value": 20,
"Currency": "BGN"
"LineNo": 20,
"Product": {
"": "General_Products_Products(08fc0b95-01d8-4876-9074-67898c0bd98b)"
"QuantityUnit": {
"": "General_MeasurementUnits(7dbe6d6a-22ef-4c2f-a798-054bc2d13c8b)"
"Quantity": {
"Value": 5,
"Unit": "pcs"
"UnitPrice": {
"Value": 10,
"Currency": "BGN"
"LineNo": 30,
"Product": {
"": "General_Products_Products(396f958d-1952-4c6f-ac66-9211962720d4)"
"QuantityUnit": {
"": "General_MeasurementUnits(7dbe6d6a-22ef-4c2f-a798-054bc2d13c8b)"
"Quantity": {
"Value": 67,
"Unit": "pcs"
"UnitPrice": {
"Value": 1.23,
"Currency": "BGN"
Create a sales order with automatic calculation of line prices and amounts
The term "automatic" actually means the execution of the front-end business rules, related to the sales order and its sales order lines.
Therefore, this is only possible in a front-end transaction.
POST ~/BeginTransaction
"model": "frontend"
After, just create the sales order and its lines at once:
POST ~/Crm_Sales_SalesOrders
TransactionId: xxxx
"DocumentNo": "12345",
"DocumentType": {
"": "General_DocumentTypes(469b67b1-8b4b-4fb4-9d97-20c96105a85a)"
"EnterpriseCompany": {
"": "General_EnterpriseCompanies(b11b2f31-71b5-4443-a4b7-b5e9cd664a64)"
"Customer": {
"": "Crm_Customers(eebf02a5-052e-4a8d-9a24-270546d73942)"
"DocumentCurrency": {
"": "General_Currencies(3187833a-d3c1-4804-bfc0-e17e6aee3069)"
"Lines": [
"LineNo": 10,
"QuantityUnit": {
"": "General_MeasurementUnits(7dbe6d6a-22ef-4c2f-a798-054bc2d13c8b)"
"Quantity": {
"Value": 2,
"Unit": "PCS"
"Product": {
"": "General_Products_Products(bc5a90ed-eca3-4e70-9987-395da25f6487)"
Finally, commit the transaction:
POST ~/EndTransaction
TransactionId: xxxx
"commit": true